Left: Sheetal Rawal, scientist (human genetics) & founder of Apsara Skin Care
By: Marty S.
Home remedies by Sheetal Rawal
To “stop and smell the roses”: while this is a tired platitude, you can’t deny its meaning, especially when taken literally. The smell of roses is uplifting and invigorating. If your day has been downright miserable from the start, receiving a gift of roses from a loved one or walking through a rose garden can brighten your mood. Even the sight of a beautiful bouquet of red roses may be able to put a smile on your face.
When it comes to skin care, however, roses are just as significant because they are capable of enhancing your complexion. Of course, this does not mean you should smell a rose constantly and expect to get results; instead, you should use rosehip oil. Rosehip oil is made from extracting the oil from the fruit of a rose (known as a rosehip), and this oil has amazing anti-aging benefits. Applying rosehip oil on your skin can help you diminish fine lines, wrinkles, and blemishes as well as firm up sagging skin.
Keep reading to learn 3 easy anti-aging rosehip oil home remedies for firm, youthful, and blemish-free skin. Don’t let any of these remedies pass you by, particularly if you are interested in obtaining a flawless complexion. Stop what you’re doing and discover how to use these remedies right away!
1. Rosehip Oil Massaging Mix for Young-Looking, Wrinkle-Free Skin
One of the key reasons to use rosehip oil on your skin for ageless results is that it is rich in Vitamin C, a nutrient that has an interesting relationship with collagen. Collagen is a protein that is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of youthful skin. When our skin produces a lot of collagen, it looks plump and wrinkle-free. As we get older, collagen production decreases and collagen breaks down at a faster rate; this, in turn, leads to lines and wrinkles. However, you can minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles because Vitamin C has long been linked to an increase in collagen production.
Moreover, Vitamin C is an antioxidant. Antioxidants can decrease inflammation and help neutralize free radicals, compounds that damage your skin and make it more prone to premature aging. (Sun exposure is one major cause of free radicals.) As a result, by supplementing your anti-aging skin care routine with Vitamin C-rich natural ingredients like rosehip oil, you can ensure that you age gracefully.
½ tsp. of almond oil
½ tsp. of apple cider vinegar (ACV)
1 tbsp. of rosehip oil
Emulsify the ingredients together with a fork.
Use immediately. Massage the mixture into your skin for 3 to 5 minutes. Leave it on for 8 to 12 minutes.
Wash it off with warm water. Follow with your toner, serum, and lotion.
Use 1 to 2 times a week.
“I bought two of your serums, just the serums, the [Rosehip & Citrus serum] and the [Sweet Almond & Wheatgerm serum]. They made this [hyperpigmentation] go away.”
2. Anti-Aging Rosehip Oil Remedy to Fade the Appearance of Blemishes
Another skin-friendly and anti-aging vitamin found in rosehip oil is Vitamin A. Vitamin A is known for its ability to encourage cell renewal. This means that you can use Vitamin
A not just for lines and wrinkles, but also for blemishes and dark spots. When your skin is able to create newer, youthful cells at a faster rate, this effect can effectively reduce lines and wrinkles as well as fade the appearance of blemishes and other skin imperfections. If you’re not getting enough Vitamin A in your diet, your skin might be suffering because of it. Thus, you should use rosehip oil to nourish your skin with this vitamin so that you are encouraging a more spotless, even look.
12 drops of fresh lemon juice
½ tsp. of rosehip oil
1 tbsp. of rice flour
Aloe juice, as needed
Mix the lemon juice, rosehip oil, and rice flour together. Add enough aloe juice to the mixture until you get a paste.
Apply the paste and leave the paste on for 12 to 15 minutes.
Wash it off with warm water. Follow with a daily skin care routine based on your skin type. Click here to find out what your skin type is.
Use 1 to 2 times a week.
Due to Vitamin A and its regenerative properties, rosehip oil can help with scarring and wound healing.
3. Rosehip Oil Paste to Firm Up Sagging Skin
Rosehip oil can even be used if your skin has started to sag because it contains an abundance of fatty acids. Fatty acids are important because they help alleviate dryness, provide a lot of nourishment, improve skin structure, and promote excellent skin health. They are easily absorbed into your skin, especially if you massage your skin. Without these fatty acids, your skin might not be adequately nourished, which may result in skin issues such as dullness, sagginess, irritation, and discoloration. Fatty acids are present in many different oils for beauty care, but you must use rosehip oil if you are looking for a natural ingredient specifically designed for anti-aging.
2 pitted dates
8 drops of Vitamin E oil
½ tsp. of rosehip oil
1 tsp. of fuller's earth or bentonite clay
Rosewater, as needed
Mash the dates with a fork until you get a smooth pulp. Add warm water to the pulp if needed.
Mix the date pulp with Vitamin E oil, rosehip oil, and the clay of your choice. Add enough rosewater to the mixture until you get a paste.
Apply the paste and leave it on for 12 to 15 minutes.
Wash the paste off with warm water. Then, use your toner, serum, and lotion.
Use 1 to 2 times a week.
Here is another home remedy that is perfect for firming up sagging skin and increasing skin glow. This is a face mask that contains cucumber juice, rice flour, and black tea. Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel!
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