5 Castor Oil DIYs to Even Out Skin Discoloration

Sheetal Rawal, Founder, Apsara Skin Care

Left: Sheetal Rawal, scientist (human genetics) & founder of Apsara Skin Care

By: Marty S.

Home remedies by Sheetal Rawal

Discolored skin can be a worrisome sign that your skin is not in good shape. After all, patchy, uneven skin is not a flattering look on anybody. Sometimes that discoloration is the result of skin issues like melasma, and other times it might be due to sun damage. Whatever the case may be, maintaining healthy skin is one of the best ways of diminishing unevenness, melasma, and discoloration. One of the best ways to do that is by using castor oil on your skin.

Continue reading to learn 5 castor oil remedies that can fade melasma, discoloration, and uneven skin. Castor oil is an amazing skin nourisher so you must try at least one of these remedies today!

1. Castor Oil Neutralizes Free Radicals That May Be Causing Discoloration

If you have discolored skin or unevenness, it could be because of free radicals. While free radicals come from many different sources (for instance, sun damage, pollution, et cetera), all of them impact the body in the same way. Free radicals are capable of doing a lot of damage to the skin, especially youthful skin. Free radicals can worsen the condition of your skin and cause your skin cells to break down or deteriorate at an abnormal rate. This effect can lead to discolored skin as well as other skin issues such as melasma, fine lines, and wrinkles. However, castor oil has antioxidant properties, and antioxidants are just what your body needs to eliminate those pesky free radicals. Less free radicals in your body will help your skin minimize the effects of hyperpigmentation and promote an evener skin tone.


10 drops of fresh lime juice

12 drops of castor oil

1 tbsp. of rosewater


Mix the ingredients really well.

Apply and massage your skin with the remedy for 3 to 5 minutes.

Leave the remedy on your skin for 10 to 12 minutes.

Wash it off with warm water. Follow with your toner, serum, and lotion.

Use 1 to 2 times a week.

“I bought two of your serums, just the serums, the [Rosehip & Citrus serum] and the [Sweet Almond & Wheatgerm serum]. They made this [hyperpigmentation] go away.”

2. Castor Oil Reduces Inflammation that May Cause Discoloration or Melasma

Castor oil’s high antioxidant nature means that it also decreases inflammation, which can be a cause of discoloration. When your skin becomes inflamed (for example, from

Castor oil for discolored skin

an injury, skin issue, et cetera), your skin will often produce more pigment. Thus, to reduce inflammation and discoloration, you should use castor oil because it helps soothe your skin. Castor oil may also be a big boon to you if you have unevenness from scarring because it can diminish the appearance of those scars.  


10 drops of castor oil

¼ tsp. of turmeric powder

1 tsp. of mashed papaya


Mix the ingredients together.

Apply the mixture and massage your skin for 3 to 5 minutes.

Leave the mixture on for 10 to 12 minutes.

Wash it off with warm water. Follow with a daily skin care routine based on your skin type. Click here to find out what your skin type is.

Use 1 to 2 times a week.

3. Castor Oil Nourishes & Evens Out Discolored Skin

Sometimes, though, that unevenness doesn’t go away even when the inflammation is gone. That being said, you should still use castor oil for your skin because it helps keep your skin healthy and look more beautiful. Since castor oil has a lot of fatty acids, these compounds are essential for the health of your skin cells. In particular, ricinoleic acid (a monounsaturated fatty acid found in castor oil) is thought to be very beneficial to you due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Castor oil is also quite nourishing to your skin so using it can keep your skin looking soft, supple, and more youthful. A very simple reason behind discoloration, melasma, and uneven skin could be undernourishment and pore congestion. Since castor is deeply nourishing as well as pore-cleaning in nature, your complexion can greatly improve and even out with regular usage of castor oil.


6 drops of Vitamin E oil

8 drops of orange juice

12 drops of castor oil

1 tbsp. of applesauce


Mix the ingredients together.

Apply and massage your skin for 3 to 5 minutes.

Leave it on your skin for 10 to 12 minutes.

Wash the mixture off with warm water. Then, use your toner, serum, and lotion.

Use 1 to 2 times a week.

Need another remedy for hyperpigmentation and discoloration? Watch this video to learn a saffron and oat remedy for your face. Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel!

4. Castor Oil Is Perfect for Discolored, Acne-Prone Skin

Castor oil is also a great remedy to use if your skin is discolored and acne-prone because castor oil has antibacterial properties. Since acne is a type of inflammation, it may cause

Castor oil for acne

hyperpigmentation. However, when castor oil is used on the skin, it dissolves acne-causing bacteria in your pores, as well as flush out any dirt and oil in them. By reducing your acne, you can stop any more discoloration from occurring and encourage your skin to become more even-toned. Even if you are no longer suffering from acne, your skin may still be discolored, which is why you should definitely consider using castor oil for your skin. You can also use castor oil to decrease discoloration that is caused by acne scars.  


6 drops of castor oil

1 tbsp. of jojoba oil

Rice flour, as needed


Mix the castor oil and jojoba oil together. Add enough rice flour to the mixture until you get a paste.

Apply the paste and leave it on for 12 to 15 minutes.

Wash the paste off with warm water. After, use your daily skin care routine.

Use 1 to 2 times a week.

5. Castor Oil Has Been Used to Diminish Discoloration & Unevenness in Ayurveda

On top of all of these benefits, castor oil has been a staple in Ayurveda, helping countless people get nourished and even-toned skin for thousands of years. This is yet another reason to start using castor oil if you are experiencing any discoloration or melasma on your skin. Besides that, though, you should use castor oil if you want your skin to look more youthful and glowing.


10 drops of fresh pineapple juice

12 drops of castor oil

¼ tsp. of turmeric powder

¼ tsp. of nutmeg powder

1 tbsp. of fuller’s earth [Multani mitti]

Water, as needed


Mix the pineapple juice, castor oil, turmeric, nutmeg, and fuller’s earth together. Add enough water to the mixture until you get a paste.

Apply and leave the paste on for 12 to 15 minutes.

Wash it off with warm water. Afterward, use your toner, serum, and lotion.

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