If you’re looking for a natural ingredient that can heal and revitalize your skin, look no further than castor oil. Castor oil has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years to great effect, both internally and externally. While it is very thick and viscous, it is easy to learn how to utilize castor oil so that it isn’t cumbersome to apply it and uncomfortable on your skin. Today, we will show you how to do so with 2 DIY home remedies.
In this episode of the podcast, Sheetal will share with you two home remedies that can help you tackle acne and dark spots using one simple natural ingredient: castor oil. Castor oil is quite effective at improving the look and clarity of your skin. At Apsara Skin Care, we love castor oil so much that it is a key ingredient in many of our products, including our Jojoba Facial Serum. If you would like to get these 2 home remedies for yourself, tune into this episode.
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Go natural. It is good karma!